You are welcome to webpage of the Department of Chemical and Renewable Energy Engineering. The Department was established in 2024 as one of the five academic Departments in the School of Sustainable Engineering, which is under the College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences (CANS) in the University of Cape Coast. Currently, the Department offers an undergraduate programme in BSc Chemical Engineering. This programme is geared towards training students on the application and practices to facilitate the design, development, operation, and optimization of chemical processes and systems. This involves utilizing principles from chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, and economics to efficiently produce, transform, and transport chemicals, materials, and energy. The Department graduates Chemical Engineers who would address challenges related to sustainability, environmental protection, safety and cost-effectiveness in the chemical industry such as the pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, food processing, and the mining industries. The students are also groomed to combine the technical expertise with entrepreneurship and business management skills to effectively lead the industries